Strawberry Growing Strawberry Strawberry is one of the most beautiful and very tasty fruit in the world. It is highly demanded fruit and costly more than any other fruits. It benefits a lot for a good health. Strawberries contain various vitamins and salts that are very benefici…
What should be the preparation of the ploughing and soil of the field? Potatoes Farming In India Potato Farming Growing Cultivation In India Today - The economically beneficial part of potato is tuberwhich grows in the ground. Therefore, the atmosphere of the land is very impo…
Arum farming cultivating organically Farm Ploughing and Soil Preparation Loam , sand loam and heavy soil are suitable for its cultivation. Proper arrangement of irrigation and drainage should be made. After the first ploughing is done with a soil-overturning plough, 2-3 ploughs…
Groundnuts Cultivation Field tillage and soil preparation for the Groundnut Farming and Cultivation Good drainage, brittle loam and sandy loam land are the best for groundnut cultivation. After the first tillage of the soil, 3-4 tillage from the native plough, or the last time a…
Sunflowers cultivation and Farming Field tillage and soil preparation For The Sunflowers Cultivation or Farming- Once the soil is ploughed deep into the field, it should be ploughed and bridged by ploughing with a high or a native plough two to three times. The peel of sunflower…
Jute growing and Cultivation Field tillage and soil preparation Jute Plantation: Light sandy, delta loam soil is well cultivated. Seeding method Jute sowing in 15 cm of the water can save less rain and irrigation jute from the stress of dryness, which also leads to good germinat…
Rye seeds Farming The Indian Agriculture Field tillage and soil preparation Rye It can be grown in almost all types of lands. The first tillage is from the soil-reversal solution and 2-3 ploughing is done by the native plough, the raiders, then the field should be flattened by …
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