Sunflowers cultivation
Sunflowers cultivation and Farming

Field tillage and soil preparation For The Sunflowers Cultivation or Farming-

Once the soil is ploughed deep into the field, it should be ploughed and bridged by ploughing with a high or a native plough two to three times. The peel of sunflower seeds is stiff and thick, so it absorbs water very slowly. Therefore, adequate moisture is necessary for its deposits. Sowing should be sown in case of lack of moisture

Seeding Method

Seeds 60-80 cm. should sow in the queues that remain at a distance. 20-25 cm in the queue. The seeds should be poured at a distance. Seeds 3-4 cm. Do not be deep. It can be sown by a large scale maize sowing machine. In unirrigated area, from 50 to 60 thousand and irrigated areas, 80 to 100 thousand saplings per hectare.

Seed Varieties

(1.) 145 days from the U.P.S.2-

crop period, yields 20 to 25 quintals per hectare, oil is found to be 45%. 

(2.) U.P.S.5-

Crop period is ready to be cooked in 142 days. Its yield is found to be 45% of the oil in 23 quintals per hectare. 

(3.) DRISHI - 

This is a hybrid species of sunflower. The percentage of oil in grains is 42-44% and the yield of grains is 1300-1600kg/hectare. This species is suitable for Rabi season in all areas.

Fertilizer Information

The soil must be checked before the fertilizer is put. If you cannot check the soil for some reason, the normal land requires 60 to 80 kg of nitrogen, 60 kg of phosphorus, 40-50 kg of potash for one hectare. Add the right amount of fertilizer to meet these nutrients. 50 kg of nitrogen and phosphorus potash should be scattered in the soil at the time of final tillage of the field. The remaining 30 kg of nitrogen should be poured between crop queues at the time of second irrigation or when the crop is flowering.

Diseases & Treatment

(i) Scorching or blight disease: 

The outbreak of the disease is high, resulting in a great reduction in the yield of sunflower. 0.3 per cent of the dethanol M-45 or deuter should be sprayed on the crop soon after it appears in dark brown and black spots on the plant. Spraying should be sprayed 4-5 times at a gap of 10 days. (i) In addition to this disease, the crop sown in July and August also causes outbreak of diseases called sclerosium mla, sclerotinia mla in winter crop and charcoal rot in the crop sown in the route. To prevent these diseases, the patient should uproot and burn the plants from the field and grow sunflower in long-term crop cycles. 2.5 kg of zine z-78 to keep the crop disease free. Spray the affected crop by dissolving the quantity in 1,000 litres of water. Keep spraying at a gap of 10-15 days if required.

Auxiliary Machines

Soil reversal ploughs, native ploughs or haves, khurpi, hoe, shovel, etc. are required.

Weed Control

The Kharif crop must be weed twice and once in the Rabi and spring season crops. The extracted plants can be planted at empty places. In the first two months, weeding is necessary 1-2 times.

Health & Nutritional Quality

The sunflower seed receives 46-52 per cent of the oil and protein 20-25 per cent. Due to low amount of saturated fatty acids for sunflower, its oil is very beneficial for people suffering from heart disease.