Barely farming, growing in india cultivating organically, cultivating, organically, Barely growing 2021

Barely farming

The Indian Agriculture

Field tillage and soil preparation:

Sandy loam and loam land are considered to be the best for the crop of barley. And even in sandy land, it yields good yields. There should be good drainage facility in the land for its crop. It can also be cultivated in saline land.

Seeding method

The barley is sown by the sprinkling seed, in the back of the dibler and the plough. For this, the row distance from the row should be 22.5 cm and the distance of the row from the row to 25 cm in case of delayed sowing.

Seed Varieties

1. Rinded - Jyoti (K-572/10), Azad (K-125), Harith (K-560), Preeti, Jatti, Lakhan, Manjula, Narendra G-1 & 2 & 3, and R.D. 2552 etc.

2. Unpeeled - Gitanjali (K-1149), Narendra Barley 5 and Worship (NDV 934).

3. For Malt - There are Pregat (K-508), Rittambhara (K-551), Line, and D.L.-88, B.C.U.-3, DWR-2 etc.

Fertilizer Information

The quantity of manure and fertilizer depends on the fertility of the field. Dung manure should be given at the time of tillage 1 month before sowing of the crop. In the irrigated area, nitrogen should be 50 to 60 kg and phosphorus should be 30 kg per hectare. In unirrigated areas, the above quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus should be halved. In irrigated area, half of nitrogen and entire phosphorus should be provided at the time of sowing and the rest of the nitrogen should be given by top dressing method at the time of irrigation and the entire quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus in unirrigated areas should be given with sowing.

Diseases & Treatment:

To cover yellowishness in barley crop

Auxiliary Machines

Soil overturned plough, native plough or haves, shovel, khui etc. are required.

Weed Control

If the weed is more visible in the field, 1-2 should be weed out of khurpi or "ho" and 2,4D 0.50 kg of active quantity should be dissolved in 800 litres of water and sprinkled after 30-35 days of sowing to control wide leaf weeds.

Health & Nutritional Quality

Protein - 42. 4 g, Calories - 704 g, Total Carbohydrates 155 g, Total Fat - 2.3 g Saturated Fat - 488 mg, Omega-3 Fatty Acids 110 mg, Omega-6 Fatty Acids - 1 g, Vitamin A - 44 IU, Vitamin E - 40 mcg, Vitamin K - 4.4 mcg, Thiamine - 382 mcg

Barley cultivation information climate, varieties, prevention and yields

Barley is one of the most ancient crops grown on Earth. Barley cultivation is more efficient for production of weather conditions such as drought, less fertile soil and light saline and alkaline land as compared to other Rabi crops. Barley is cultivated in our country mainly in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana. It is cultivated as an important crop in the hilly states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir.

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